Platform 8, a sequel to Exit 8 from the same developers, is a small delight.
I learned about Exit 8 from Adrian Hon’s endorsement; it’s a modest spot-the-difference environmental horror game, and it’s an entertaining dose of creepy that does one thing, without complications and does it quite well.
Hon said:
Now, liminal spaces and backrooms may be hot with the kids, but setting a game in them doesn’t automatically make it good or scary. What’s special about The Exit 8 is how it achieves maximum tension through unbelievably streamlined design.
Platform 8 is not the same game again, thankfully. But it is the same experience again, an ice-cold opening followed by a game that does the one thing it does very well, goes on exactly as long as it needs to and doesn’t wear out its welcome at all, ending with a small dose of self-referential perfection.
Play this The Exit 8 first, but play Platform 8 second.